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On this day, one of the most controversial figures in American history met his death. He went from the bottom of his graduating class at West Point to one who commanded the future of so many in his military decisions. In a matter of minutes, I can walk from my farmhouse to the site where Custer fought during the Battle of Gettysburg.  Custer was present at Appomattox. In fact, Custer’s wife held possession of the little table on which the terms of surrender were signed.  This table is now part of our nation’s historic collection.

The mention of his name alone brings battles……it seems you either admire his bravery or despise his arrogance and ego driven mind that held little regard for the lives of men. In a Gettysburg bookstore, I once passed two older women browsing the shelves.  With language, I do not care to embellish in this blog, one said……I hate that arrogant ***………followed by other colorful expletives.  I just listened, as a writer, it is my forte to observe my surroundings; I wait for moments such as this. Even his death was controversial.  There are rumors that Custer was spared from mutilation because of his Native American “wife”……this gave him certain status among the tribe to spare the horrific mutilations done to others at Little Bighorn. His body was exhumed after the battle and sent back to the Academy where his scholarly excellence left much to be desired.  Whether you think his military skills excelled is a totally personal experience.

For all lives lost near southern Montana’s Little Bighorn River, shining down on this historic day…

For those with interest in the paranormal, this site of so much death and intense energy is thought to still contain the spirits of both soldiers and warriors who crossed upon these grounds.

