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The Roses and Thorns of Life

I went to Holy Cross Cemetery yesterday; one of my favorite sites to take photographs.  It was sad to see all the large trees fallen;  such giants that stood as sentries among the dead. 

One large Angel had been toppled by one of them from on top of one of the mausoleums. 

She lay face down….wings still toward Heaven.

It brought a sadness to my heart……what will happen as time topples all of them.  Not many new cemetery Angels are being carved today… more ornate stones and stonework to distinguish one life from the next one in the row.  Visiting modern cemeteries is not the same……each square stone, sometimes interrupted by a random heart shaped piece of granite, fades into the next row and the next.  There are no revealing indentations carved by stonemasons to tell their stories, only names and dates etched quickly as their mark in life. 

My ancestors were…

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