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Visiting the battlefield in the snow

The Roses and Thorns of Life

I spent the past couple of days in Gettysburg, visiting the battlefield in the snow.   My favorite time…..not many adventurous tourists braving the winds and cold, no ticks trying to snuggle up my pant leg.   I have been having problems with my Facebook page, so I thought here would be a nice place to catch up and chat.

We went to a nice restaurant on Friday night, in the next town over.
Restaurants are great places for blog writers.   You can see and overhear so much from the diners nearby.   I remember our last visit, a woman chewed out her husband the entire meal for ordering steak.   The rant was endless, You know you can’t eat that…..are you really going to finish all that……..and so on and so on.   The man retaliated, probably eating more than the point at which his stomach was satiated…..I am sure he went home…

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